must never let schooling interfere with education Grant Allen
College is an enormous waste of money and time.
It's not about money, it's about getting an education |
I have spoken of this before, but if the opinions of my family and every hiring manager I've ever met are at all representative, this is a deeply unpopular conclusion.
This is, of course, not an original idea (I doubt I’ll get
much further in this piece than summarizing Scott Alexander’s
Tulip Subsidies), but I’ll do my best to persuade.
If the opening quote didn’t set the tone clearly enough,
I’ll be explicit: the educational system is fundamentally unconcerned with
education. I recognize that saying it in this way carries a strong whiff of
newspeak, so
let’s approach it by means of a counter example: Medical School.
Medical School follows the basic trade school model, wherein
the students are taught everything necessary to practice a craft. Medical
schools are famously grueling, but in the end about 80% of them graduate and go
on to become doctors. They also graduate with an average debt of over
thousand dollars, but we’ll get back to that.
But, ignoring the financial cost, medical schools are reasonably
effective at creating doctors. Likewise, I assume, for
Electrician/Welding/Mechanic/Air Conditioner Repair schools. If they didn’t
teach a skill, no one would bother going. Let’s hold on to that thought, while
we consider the high school diploma.
Please raise your hand if you know what, exactly, a high
school diploma is supposed to teach. Because frankly, I don’t have any idea. I
know there is a circular answer involving the completion of selected coursework
and the passage of state-mandated exams, but I am completely and profoundly
confused as to the purpose of it. I’m looking at lists of jobs and careers that
don’t require a high school diploma, and a list of them that do, and I’m not
seeing any indication that the knowledge learned in high school is at all
Obviously, the things taught — math, science, literature,
history, etc. — have plenty of implicit value. But frankly, they aren’t
something most people use on any regular basis, and certainly not at work. And
while work is not the only aspect of life where people can benefit from
education, it does seem like an important focus.
Now the purpose of education is a debated topic, to say the
least. But from the broader economic standpoint, if the goal is to “provide for
the fullest possible development of each learner for living morally,
creatively, and productively in a democratic society”, it does not appear to be
functioning as intended. (That quote comes from the
Ignoring high school for a moment, it is a matter of
historical record that university enrollment has increased dramatically. Charts
like this one aren’t so surprising.
But more striking, I think, is this
Peak attendance was in 2009, but this second graph functions
fine without it. The most important fact I took away from this chart is just
how recent college education is. People went to college, sure, but it was only
after the G.I. bill that enrollment really took off. One can, without too much
oversimplification, label the baby boomers as the “first” modern college
generation. And their children were even more serious about going to college,
you can see the sharp uptick at around ’91 on the first graph.
But, great, right? More people going to school, learning.
All that jazz. Seems like a pretty fantastic thing, an unalloyed good, etc. If
only it were true.
It’s not a pleasant conclusion to reach, and one that
requires a bit of explanation. Which is why I started talking about high
school. Consider this graph:
The number of high school graduates (as a percent of the
population) has remained fairly stable since the 70s. They made a fuss
last year, because we recently got a record high rate of graduates:
And while I’m very happy for those students, it cannot be said that it
constitutes significant improvement.
That’s obviously not ideal, but it looks very bad next to
The current national average spent per pupil is about 11
thousand dollars. Basically, that line just keeps going up diagonally. I have a
more straightforward explanation for this: we hit peak graduation rate back in
the 70s.
Now I don’t know all the details behind the various state
examinations, but I would be incredibly surprised if they had gotten
significantly more difficult since the 70s, especially in the face of No Child
Left Behind and “teaching to the test”. The more reasonable assumption is that
some (fixed?) percentage of people simply cannot handle the academic work
needed to pass the test.
The problem is only exacerbated in college. Some non-trivial
percentage of the people going to college are fundamentally incapable of
producing college level work. This would not be as big of a problem, were it
not for the fact that college degrees are becoming a necessary pre-requisite
any job.
The reason, if I had to guess, is that we’ve passed some
sort of unfortunate societal tipping point. At some point, everyone needed a
high school diploma, and if you didn’t have one, you were unemployable. Stanford
David Larabee
seems to think that the role of the educational system is to
class stratification, and learning is merely a side effect. He tracks
history farther back than my graphs, but the results are the same. Apparently,
high schools were originally the elite schools of the rich, while everyone else
just went to primary school for a few years. Eventually people demanded parity
and government-run high schools, and the rich subsequently decided they needed universities.
And that same thing, I fear, is happening with college.
Ignoring the
non-existence of work for the time being, we’re shutting out some large
percentage of people from jobs, simply based on the lack of a mostly useless
degree (I’m being deliberately vague with these numbers, because I refuse to be
derailed into a nature/nurture/IQ debate). This would be a horrific shame, even
if it didn’t leave people destitute and suck up many years of their lives.
I’m not going to provide a graph, because it’s not news to
anyone that a college education has become exponentially more expensive. It’s
hard for any of my contemporaries to imagine, but a few short decades ago, you
really could pay for college with a summer job. Today, students graduate with an
average debt of over 30 thousand dollars. I’m trying not to let my emotions
leak excessively onto the page, but this is really fucking upsetting on several
levels, so it’s worth taking the time to figure out how we got to our current
financial situation. Unfortunately, I think I know: government subsidies.
The problem is, in any (relatively) free capitalist system,
the market will try to correct itself. When the government spent millions of
dollars to send the G.I.s to university, they added an outside incentive into
the system. It has only gotten worse since then, as the number of universities has
increased dramatically, both as a response to student demand and the existence
of free government money.
This is not a
viewpoint, but the concern isn’t merely academic, the 1.4 trillion dollars
of student loan debt accounts for more than 7% of the national GDP. It cannot
continue. This is another unfortunate case of unintended consequences, and we
are all (literally) paying for it.
Please don’t take this as a denigration of education. Far
from it, I think learning is an important lifelong activity, and that people’s
lives are immeasurably enriched through it. But in a world where everyone has
access to Wikipedia, and you can learn advanced calculus on YouTube, the
argument for formal education becomes much weaker. And while there are plenty
of individual exceptions, it’s not abnormal to see people party through
college, coast on an easy degree (buoyed by grade inflation), and then get a
normal job in a field unrelated to their studies.
Looking at it from this perspective, it’s hard to see it
working any other way. The students get money from the government (or from
their parents or loans), and the universities get money from the students.
Under such a system, the incentive on the university side is to keep the
students as happy as possible. Everything else is just a way to improve the
college’s perceived value, allowing them to charge higher tuitions, enroll more
students, and get more money.
Clearly, the individual actors in this situation (the
professors, the students, etc.) are not consciously behaving in this way. It’s
or, more specifically, a coordination failure inherent to the system. The
momentum may have started by a desire for social stratification, or an
excessive influx of money, but regardless it is now barreling forward on its
own. And that’s how you end up with doctors being forced to endure 14 years of
schooling. Hard to open a little family practice and provide cheap care when
you’re 160 thousand dollars in debt.
Understanding the full scope of the problem is necessary,
otherwise you get very well-meaning people endorsing
college for everyone. Which is a nice plan for making college more
affordable, but only exacerbates the problem in the long term (and ensures that
the bachelor’s degree will carry as much weight as a high school diploma). I’m
not usually one to advocate for a freer market, but you can’t just ignore the
disconnect by fiat. We’ve produced more college degrees (and
that matter) than the market requires. It’s a classic
bubble, and I don’t
know what society will look like when it bursts.